Business of Agriculture education

The two terms "Business of Agriculture education" and "agricultural business" are totally different terms. The first one refers to the business of quality of agriculture education in the lure of money by corrupted and money minded people and the latter one refers to the business of quantity of agricultural products by the hardworking farmers and agriculturists.

Business of Agriculture education though seems like a positive term but in reality is a very small island of positivity in the huge ocean of negativity. It deteriorates the future of every Agriculture student. The main medium of this business is privitization of agriculture education. It increases the study fee due to which a hard working poor student gets deprived of it. Also it deteriorates the quality of education and decreases the opportunities of the exposure of the knowledge and skills of the students. Not only this, if uncontrolled privatization is allowed, it leads to production of many more agriculturists than needed with no skills and limited only to the theoritical knowledge. It may lead the future of many agriculturists to the darkness due to unemployment.

In our country, Agriculture and Forestry University is only the technical university which was established in land grant model in 2010 A.D. With the aim that every student can have the opportunities of extension and research programmes in the university. Not even a decade has passed after the establishment of this university, it seeks for the privitization of this education in the lure of money. It is like a child preparing for giving birth to a new child. The consequence is collapse of that child. The private sectors cannot be compared with the governmental sectors in quality. So privitization should be excluded in Agriculture education.

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